What We Do
Your home is one of the most expensive purchases you will ever make in this lifetime. While living in that space, it is essential that you live as comfortably and efficiently as possible without a bunch of unneeded stuff hindering how you function. When selling that space, it is essential to have everything arranged in a precise way, in order to appeal to the widest range of buyers.
Sorted & Staged specializes in sorting/decluttering/organizing homes for efficient living and assists homeowners with home staging for faster selling. If you want your space to be comfortable, functional, and attractive but don’t know where to begin, you are on your way to finding just the help you’ve been looking for!
We are happy to serve the Central Pennsylvania area including Lancaster, Harrisburg, Hershey, York, and Reading.
Why we are the best



Cost Effective
Our Services

Sorted to Live
Acquiring new belongings is always exciting, but having to phase out the old ones can be an excruciating chore. That’s where we come in!

Staged to Sell
Are you selling your home? Proper preparation, organization, and presentation can give you that extra edge in today’s competitive real estate market. That’s where we come in!
Here’s what others are saying:
My basement and my children's closets were out of control. Looking at them every day was a source of stress for me and seemed to be more than I could handle on my own being a full time working mom of 3. I knew I needed help. I knew tackling these areas of my life on my own would only make me feel worse because it was too much for one person to deal with. I needed a fresh nonjudgmental eye and perspective to get the job done and Kristen was exactly that. And she made it fun and brought positive energy to each task. Who new cleaning out my basement would be fun? I loved my sessions with Kristen because it was so amazing how much work was accomplished in such a short time. I felt so great after cleaning out my kids closets. And she was fun, energetic and brought ideas that I would never have thought of myself. She puts a positive spin on everything she does! I think what was so shocking to me after cleaning my basement was the realization of how much money I have wasted over the years on 'junk' that I never even used! Amazing! It feels good to sort of have that eye opening experience and inventory what you have, what you don't need, what you do need. There were three TVs in my basement. Really? Hello! Like, a hundred picture frames never even used. It gives me a sense of control now when I am shopping and deciding what I don't need to waste my money on. Especially in these economic times! If you are overloaded with stuff in your house just call Kristen. You won't regret it for a second. A clean clutter free house makes a clean clutter free mind!
Hershey, PAI’ve been a huge believer in home staging for years, and Kristen Patterson does an exceptional job! She has a professional image, great energy, and above all a fantastic eye for transforming and enhancing both occupied and vacant spaces – and also works extremely well with the client. The results speak for themselves – many of the listings which she staged for me sold in less than 7 days. I highly recommend her!
Matthew Greene, Coldwell Banker
Camp Hill, PAI was not aware of anyone in the area that provided redesigns and was not comfortable with the thought of an outside firm coming into my home. I also could not anticipate the costs involved. As soon as I found out about Kristen I gave her a call. Her fees were so reasonable and having her business in such close proximity to our home made it very convenient to get things done. For several years I had wanted to de-clutter and rearrange our entire house. I needed a starting point so after meeting with Kristen we decided on a living and dining room redesign. Kristen was fantastic! She had an immediate vision and was able to clearly and concisely communicate that vision too us in a gentle but firm manner. Even my husband got on board and sorted through several of his collections. The most surprising tweak was the placement of the dining room table. For 25 years we had the table in the same location. When the table was placed in the opposite direction it truly was incredible how much larger the room felt. It was a feng-shei moment. I learned things along the way and was able to tackle other rooms on my own. If you are ready for a change, need to accommodate updated electronics, need help sorting through years of stuff, or want to increase the value of your home, just call Kristen and have her do an evaluation. It's such a great feeling of accomplishment and Kristen makes it fun. She partners with you through the entire process, chipping in to sort through items, move furniture, organize, and put those designer touches in your space.
Elizabethtown, PAKristen has a great eye and the ability to put a room together beautifully with her Interior Redesign services. I would strongly encourage anyone to seek her services.
Harrisburg, PAI contacted Sorted & Staged to help me sort through my baby's closet. The amount of hand-me-down clothes I received was over whelming and I was in need of sorting so I could assess what I wanted to keep and what I wished to donate. Kristen came over and in a professional, efficient manner guided me through her process. We worked together and within 2 hours we cleared out 13 boxes and 2 bags worth of clothes! We then moved to placing the clothes in drawers by season and hanging the larger sized clothes in the closet for future use. While we were at it, we cleared out the closet floor, making room for seasonal items and unopened toys not yet age-appropriate. We reached all my goals, and our friendly banter made the hours just fly by.
Lancaster, PASorted and Staged was a great investment! I had so many problem areas including a ton of clothes that were different sizes, being stored in a small space. Having Kristen there to help me figure out what things I should get rid of that I did not need and then organize it was a huge help. I like to hold onto things in hopes that one day I might be able to wear it again and having someone there to help along the way was a huge help. Kristen was really helpful with using existing furniture and accessories that were already there; she placed them differently so that the space was better utilized. She did not come in and ask me to go buy all new stuff so I got to use everything I already had! I have to say that what I enjoyed most about my session was having someone there as a second opinion, getting to know Kristen better and utilizing her professional opinion. I will definitely be calling Sorted & Staged again!
Elizabethtown, PAI met Kristen after bidding on and winning a complimentary session with Sorted and Staged through the Drug Free Pennsylvania online auction, to help raise funds for that cause. Little did I know at that time just how important winning that certificate would be to me and how Kristen would help me to change my life in a way I had been unable to do for myself. Accumulating "things" for me began at the young age of 10, when my brother died at the age of 16. It was then that I became attached emotionally to the "things" in my life that brought me comfort or safety as I grieved. As I grew into adulthood, I collected more and more stuff. I got divorced after 7 1/2 years of marriage and when Kristen arrived at my home almost ten years later, it had become evident that I had created both a figurative and literal barrier of things in my home to "protect" myself and cope with the pain of my loss. Those things had actually gone from keeping me safe and keeping others out of my home, into a fortress which was keeping me trapped in my past and and preventing me from reaching my dreams. The first day Kristen worked with me, she told me she was going to help me organize one whole room that was in total disarray within a single 4 hour session. I actually laughed in her face and told her I didn't believe it could be done and would believe it only after I saw it. She was able to accomplish that feat and worked side by side with me during the entire time in sorting, purging and organizing that room. I was so impressed with her ability to support me in making certain decisions by asking appropriate questions and not becoming frustrated with me (something I had become with myself) that I hired Kristen to work with me in organizing the rest of my home. The money I paid for a few more sessions was worth every penny and allowed me to finally have the home (and subsequently) the life I wanted to have. I would highly recommend Kristen and would encourage anyone who is hesitating making that call, to take action and not wait as long as I had to ask for support in creating the home you want and the life you want to live. I am now thriving in my life and have been able to let go of many unneeded and unwanted "things" in my life. Kristen was an integral part of helping me go from surviving in my home to thriving in my home.
Middletown, PAIn my house, the biggest problem we faced was just an accumulation of stuff!!!! Kids clothes, toys, mail, our own clothes, old birthday cards, pots, pans, magazines; you name it and we had it… in triplicate. We have full time jobs as Physicians and we also raise 3 girls so it is near impossible to find the time to go through things. Children grow so quickly and it’s very difficult to let go; literally EVERYTHING has a memory associated with it. Something I thought we could easily get rid of was someone else's treasure so that was an ongoing battle. We were finding that it was easier to just find another space to hide it... until we ran out of space! Kristen was wonderful in helping my family move forward with what we kept putting off. It always seemed embarrassing to me to have anyone see all your belongings but she was very professional and made us ask the question over and over "Do we REALLY need this?" and much of the time we REALLY didn't. Perhaps the most shocking was all of the clothes that we weren’t ever wearing but for some reason, kept in our closets. We ended up getting rid of a combined 22 lawn/leaf bags full of clothes between the two of us; all GONE now. Don't hesitate. Get your life/stuff organized now. You will thank yourself over and over. Kristen is excellent, professional and is very understanding of the fact that people are hesitant to let go. She actually makes it all seem very easy.
Palmyra, PASorted and Staged was a great investment! I had so many problem areas including a ton of clothes that were different sizes, being stored in a small space. Having Kristen there to help me figure out what things I should get rid of that I did not need and then organize it was a huge help. I like to hold onto things in hopes that one day I might be able to wear them again and having someone there to help along the way was a huge help. Kristen was really helpful with using existing furniture and accessories that were already there; she placed them differently so that the space was better utilized. She did not come in and ask me to go buy all new stuff so I got to use everything I already had! I have to say that what I enjoyed most about my session was having someone there as a second opinion, getting to know Kristen better and utilizing her professional opinion. I will definitely be calling Sorted & Staged again!
Joe & Cindee
Hershey, PAI’ve been working with Kristen now for the past several years and whenever I need her service she is always available to meet with my clients. She will take care of meeting with the Sellers, giving them items to do, or whatever level of staging you need, and will follow up after the appointment. Using Kristen keeps you separated as a Realtor, from telling the sellers about all the things that should be done in order to have the best sale possible and she has a very good eye as well as understanding the small things that make a big difference. The pictures look better and the house shows better. Overall as a Realtor, your listings will be above the others because you offer services other agents don’t. I would highly recommend using Kristen.
Andy Sollenberger, Kingsway Realty
Ephrata, PAI have only had positive experiences with Kristen. I have worked with her to assist with organizing and also staging vacant homes. I appreciate her " can do " attitude and she is a straight shooter when it comes to getting a property show ready. I am happy to refer her to my customers.
Tricia Como, Coldwell Banker
Hershey PAKristen was excellent at helping us stage our house before our listing pictures were taken. She was thoughtful, helpful, and her staging knowledge really helped us to sell our house! It sold in 3 days! I would chose Sorted and Staged again to help us if we were ever in need!
Denver, PA